How We Can Help
Support Group
24-Hour Help Line
Walk-In Counseling
Legal Advocacy
Male Victims
Community Education
Consultation and Training
Rape Support Group Service
There are a number of free services RSAC offers to survivors of sexual assault and concerned persons. Concerned persons are those affected by the sexual assault of someone close to them. Examples would be a friend, parent, spouse, or partner. Ongoing drop-in rape support groups are offered for men and women separately. In addition, a support group is offered for family members, partners, or friends of someone who has been sexually assaulted, and this group offers information and support.
24-Hour Help Line
Just call 612/825-HELP (612/825-4357)… anytime, day or night, and there will be an open and understanding ear willing to listen and help; whether it’s a crisis or just a question.
Walk-In Counseling
During our business hours (9:00 am to 5:00 pm, M-F) a counselor can meet with you in person for a one time appointment. They can provide support, give you a referral or arrange for you to see a therapist or join one of the groups. It’s best to call ahead, although it isn’t necessary.
Legal Advocacy
Legal Advocates, located in the Hennepin County Attorney’s Office, can offer valuable support, information and advice on legal matters that affect sexual assault victims.
RSAC offers individual, couples, family and group therapy by professional staff and supervised graduate interns. These are helpful ways to realize you are not alone in your recovery and gain support in a safe and supportive atmosphere. All therapy services are offered on a sliding fee scale, and we accept Medical Assistance, Minnesota Care, Medicare and some insurance plans.
Male Victims
We want to make a special reminder that all of our services are available to both women and men. Men are also the victims of sexual violence and can suffer the same traumatic after effects but often do not seek help. RSAC has a comprehensive program available for male victims. All you have to do is call.
Community Education
Speakers are available to provide education and information about sexual violence to any interested group or organization. This service can be provided free of charge although donations are accepted. Our age-appropriate sexual violence prevention presentations are one hour to two days in length (depending on the students’ age level). They are offered to preschool, primary and secondary school students. Presentations range from Good Touch/Bad Touch for elementary grades, sexual harassment for middle schools, and date rape for high schools. These presentations educate students about sexual assault, abuse and harassment, and teach students how to protect themselves. This service is free but contributions are greatly appreciated.
Consultation and Training
Consultation and training is available to individuals and agencies wishing to increase their knowledge or start their own internal programs. Fees are negotiated on an individual basis.
Please do not email us with counseling issues since we may be unable to respond to your needs in a timely manner. If you are in crisis, please call our 24-hour crisis line.
24 Hour Help Line612-825-4357
Individuals call us
for help with a
wide range of
2431 Hennepin Ave. S.
Minneapolis, MN 55405
Office Phone: 612-374-9077