Self Care
- Take a nap
- Take a long walk
- Read
- Spend time with people who are affirming, optimistic and nurturing
- Play/work outdoors (skiing, skating, winter barbecue)
- Save notes and letters that are complimentary, read them often
- Learn new skills
- Engage in new hobby
- Write down self-positive adjectives
- Notice and appreciate humor
- Pray or meditate
- Take at least thirty minutes alone time per day
- Journal
- Rent a comedy video
- Plant spring bulbs in indoor pots
- Turn phone off for at least half an hour
- Light candles; buy fragrant candles
- Listen to music
- Do deep breathing exercises
- Puzzles, clay or Silly Putty
- Plan a vacation-call a travel agent
- Image and visualize-concentrate on a comforting scene
- Bring comforting photos to work (loved ones, vacations)
- Get a therapeutic massage
- Give yourself flowers
- Treat yourself to a new body cream/lotion
- Wear favorite, comfortable clothing
- Order a pizza
- Take a break
- Find a special quiet place and make it your own
- Get tickets to a play or concert
- Visit/call a friend
- Exercise
- Eat healthy snacks, watch nutrition; take vitamins
- Take a plane or balloon ride
- Soak feet in special foot soap (Johnson’s, Scholl’s)
- Plan ahead-schedule medical and dental appointments
- Call (612) 825-HELP (4357), RSAC’s 24-hour Helpline
Please do not email us with counseling issues since we may be unable to respond to your needs in a timely manner. If you are in crisis, please call our 24-hour crisis line.
24 Hour Help Line612-825-4357
Individuals call us
for help with a
wide range of
2431 Hennepin Ave. S.
Minneapolis, MN 55405
Office Phone: 612-374-9077