What is Sexaul Assault?

What is Sexual Assault?

This is a difficult question, since a definition depends in part on what each person thinks. While we have legal definitions of sexual assault, (being forced, coerced, or pressured into any sexual contact), each person’s experience is unique, as well as the effects of that experience.

We define sexual assault very broadly. If anything of a sexual nature has made you uncomfortable, hurt or upset, we take it seriously, and are here to provide all the support we can.

While both sexual assault and sexual abuse are serious matters, we often address them separately. This helps in choosing a treatment strategy and assisting the recovery process.

Please do not email us with counseling issues since we may be unable to respond to your needs in a timely manner. If you are in crisis, please call our 24-hour crisis line.

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2431 Hennepin Ave. S.
Minneapolis, MN 55405
Office Phone: 612-374-9077